Missionary and visionary, Elaine Lankford is debuting the second episode of her acclaimed podumentary this week, documenting one African odyssey while preparing for the next one in 2023.
SUFFOLK, VA, September 10, 2022 /24-7PressRelease/ — In April of this year, Elaine Lankford quietly released the first episode of her new web series, Transforming Steps For Her, without much fanfare. There was no press junket, no big news story, no glossy promos—there wasn’t even a formal announcement to let the world know this was happening. Yet, the episode easily found its footing amongst She Steps Forward devotees, web surfers and charity-minded folks everywhere.
Despite her extensive involvement with the production itself, at that particular moment in time Elaine was primarily occupied with getting her annual She Steps Forward International Women’s Conference off the ground again amidst another round of rising Covid concerns. Just like countless other company owners at the time, Elaine Lankford was no stranger to pandemic-driven challenges, and for a lesser organization this might have spelled real trouble—but not for Elaine and her amazing family at She Steps Forward Ministries and She Steps Forward International.
Anyone who knows the back story was likely stunned when they tuned into the first episode of Transforming Steps For Her and found that none of the chaos of these times was evident in the show itself. It was 23+ minutes of positive, calmly reassuring content aimed at women everywhere, delivered by one of the most amazing women anywhere: Elaine Lankford. Her impactful words were fused to equally moving visuals throughout the show. All of it together told the unique and moving story of the She Steps Forward organization, its philosophy, and Elaine Lankford’s vision of equipping everyday women to fulfill their God-given destinies.
Fast-forward five months and one African odyssey later, the second groundbreaking episode of Transforming Steps For Her has finally arrived… this time with perhaps a little bit more fanfare than before.
Building on the original production’s promise of educating, informing and entertaining, Elaine returns to the hosting chair for another nearly 20-minute installment of boundless inspiration and singular vision. If the first episode was a meditation on the She Steps Forward philosophy, this new one is a riveting account of what happens when that philosophy is put into motion. Elaine herself, fresh off her most recent missions trip to Nairobi, Kenya, is positively brimming with energy, and eager to share her lessons and experiences all over the world.
“The first time around [Episode One] there was a lot of ground to cover,” explains Elaine. “As a result, viewers only got a little glimpse into the She Steps Forward Africa experience. This time I’ve gone much, much deeper.”
In Episode One, Elaine only spoke briefly about the Neemaland Queens and Kings Center, the Moses Basket Initiative, and the Kariokor Adult Center, but this time she gets us as close to Nairobi as possible without actually being there. She shares with us the various plights and missions of these different organizations (plus others) as well as the brilliant, beautiful souls behind them.
Elaine adds: “This year’s trip to Kenya was truly spectacular and I hope that comes across in the new episode. We’re already planning our next trip for 2023 and we welcome folks to travel with us!”
Episode Two of Transforming Steps for Her goes a long way in answering questions and addressing specific concerns that prospective trip participants might have.
“The area of Kenya where we go is not only gorgeous, but also very safe,” shares Elaine. “Safety can—and should—be a big concern for all people when traveling to a new place in the world, but having been to Nairobi a few times now, I can tell you that it is one of the safest, happiest, most beautiful places imaginable. And the local folks who’ve taken us under their wing are the kindest, loveliest people you’ll ever meet in your life. I urge everyone to please join us in 2023, and let’s all help make a difference together. You’ll be so glad you did.”
To learn more please click here to watch the second episode of Transforming Steps For Her.
She Steps Forward’s next Kenya trip is happening May 16-24, 2023. For more information, please visit the SSF official websites and/or contact Elaine Lankford directly.
She Steps Forward Ministries and She Steps Forward International are the combined vision of Elaine A. Lankford, an author, speaker, and leadership expert who serves whole-heartedly to help Christian women fully internalize their faith and move into their life’s calling. Throughout all her endeavors, she hopes to raise up the next generation of faith-based female leaders who will also become passionate in mentoring and empowering others to rise. She established She Steps Forward Ministries, formerly Transforming Love Ministries, in 2016 and then established She Steps Forward International as a nonprofit in 2020.
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